Анастасия Нифонтова
IT-предприниматель, визионер
Рада вам на своей странице,
здесь я рассказываю:

→ кто я
→ мои проекты
→ как со мной можно поработать
→ портфолио опыта
→ где меня читать
Кто я
Предприниматель в сфере инноваций, визионер и игротехник.

Живу в горах, хожу в походы, обожаю ледяную воду, начинаю писать музыку.

По совместительству, самая молодая выпускница одной из лучших бизнес-школ мира МШУ Сколково (StartUp Academy 26). Уже 5 лет создаю свои образовательные программы и стартапы, а в ближайшие 5 лет планирую построить свой город в горах, слетать в космос и продолжить обожать и исследовать людей и планету, на которой мы живем.
Мои проекты
Все мои проекты объединяет философия FONA — facultas obstino nova aetatem (лат.) — возможность войти в новую эру.
→ стартапы
The British Higher School of Art and Design (BHSAD) is a partner of the University of Hertfordshire (UH) running six validated BA (Hons) programs. Upon successful completion of studies, BHSAD students are eligible to receive academic awards issued by the University of Hertfordshire and identical to those provided for UH graduates. Our students can transfer freely to UH and return back for any semester during their studies.
→ образовательные проекты
The British Higher School of Art and Design (BHSAD) is a partner of the University of Hertfordshire (UH) running six validated BA (Hons) programs. Upon successful completion of studies, BHSAD students are eligible to receive academic awards issued by the University of Hertfordshire and identical to those provided for UH graduates. Our students can transfer freely to UH and return back for any semester during their studies.
→ мои концепции
The British Higher School of Art and Design (BHSAD) is a partner of the University of Hertfordshire (UH) running six validated BA (Hons) programs. Upon successful completion of studies, BHSAD students are eligible to receive academic awards issued by the University of Hertfordshire and identical to those provided for UH graduates. Our students can transfer freely to UH and return back for any semester during their studies.
Как мы можем поработать
→ сессии и консультации
→ сопровождение проекта
→ вакансии в команду
→ сессии и консультации
The British Higher School of Art and Design (BHSAD) is a partner of the University of Hertfordshire (UH) running six validated BA (Hons) programs. Upon successful completion of studies, BHSAD students are eligible to receive academic awards issued by the University of Hertfordshire and identical to those provided for UH graduates. Our students can transfer freely to UH and return back for any semester during their studies.
→ сопровождение проекта
The British Higher School of Art and Design (BHSAD) is a partner of the University of Hertfordshire (UH) running six validated BA (Hons) programs. Upon successful completion of studies, BHSAD students are eligible to receive academic awards issued by the University of Hertfordshire and identical to those provided for UH graduates. Our students can transfer freely to UH and return back for any semester during their studies.
→ вакансии в команду
The British Higher School of Art and Design (BHSAD) is a partner of the University of Hertfordshire (UH) running six validated BA (Hons) programs. Upon successful completion of studies, BHSAD students are eligible to receive academic awards issued by the University of Hertfordshire and identical to those provided for UH graduates. Our students can transfer freely to UH and return back for any semester during their studies.
Актуальные вакансии в команду
Портфолио опыта
Тот, о котором можно говорить :)
Мои блоги и контакты
IT-предприниматель, продюсер
С уважением, Настя Нифонтова